Monthly Archives: December 2011

Site Templates In SharePoint 2010

If you need to save a publishing site as a site template you’ll need to add /_layouts/savetmpl.aspx to the site URL e.g. if your site URL is http://sharepoint/HR/ you’ll need to change the URL to http://sharepoint/HR/_layouts/savetmpl.aspx .

Once you’ve saved the site template you can view it in the Solutions gallery.  Navigate to the top level site and choose Site Actions ->Site Settings, then choose Solutions in the Galleries section.  You can use this area to activate, deactivate and delete site templates.  If you need to delete a site template, deactivate it first, otherwise it may continue to show in the site template list when you create a site.

Deleted SharePoint Site Still Visible In Top Navigation

One of our SharePoint administrators deleted a SharePoint site, but it was still appearing in the top-level navigation.  If you clicked on the link the page could not be found and the site wasn’t visible in the navigation area of site settings.  In order to make the site disappear I ran an IISRESET on each web front end.

System Center Configuration Manger 2007 R2 Intel vPro/AMT Provisioning Error

When using System Center Configuration Manger 2007 R2 (SCCM) with Intel vPro/AMT technology, there’s two stages to the provisioning process.  In the second stage the SCCM server attempts to connect to the device that’s being provisioned.  This can fail if the SCCM server has a proxy configured without the required proxy exceptions resulting in the error below:

Error: Can not finish WSMAN call with target device. 1. Check if there is a winhttp proxy to block connection. 2. Service point is trying to establish connection with wireless IP address of AMT firmware but wireless management has NOT enabled yet. AMT firmware doesn’t support provision through wireless connection. 3. For greater than 3.x AMT, there is a known issue in AMT firmware that WSMAN will fail with FQDN longer than 44 bytes. (MachineId = 11578)

From the command prompt enter  “proxycfg -d” to bypass the proxy.  Alternatively, open IE, set proxy server, tick “Bypass proxy server for local addresses”  and enter *.%YOURDOMAIN%. Next, from the command prompt enter “proxycfg -u”.  This import the proxy settings from IE.