Monthly Archives: December 2014

Configure SharePoint 2013 Search Index Managed Property Sizes

If you check the crawl logs for SharePoint 2013 you may see warnings similar to those below:

The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size.

This item was partially parsed. The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size.

This item was truncated because the parsed output was greater than the maximum number of allowed characters.

Microsoft have detailed the SharePoint 2013 Search boundaries and limits here and I’ll show how these boundaries and limits relate to the warnings above.

The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size.

This message relates to the indexed managed property size and according to the aforementioned documentation “This is the default maximum size of a managed property that is set to either “searchable” or “queryable”.”  The property limit can be configured between 0 and 2048KB.

In order to change the limit open an elevated SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.  To get the current property value run the code below.

$p = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)



To change the property value run the code below, substituting the value for your own requirements.

$prop1 = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)
$prop1.MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex = “2048000”



This item was partially parsed. The item has been truncated in the index because it exceeds the maximum size.

This message  relates to the retrievable managed property size and according to the aforementioned documentation “This is the default maximum size of a retrievable managed property.”  The property limit can be configured between 0 and 2048KB.

In order to change the limit open an elevated SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.  To get the current property value run the code below.

$p = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)



To change the property value run the code below, substituting the value for your own requirements.

$prop2 = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity body -SearchApplication (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)
$prop2.MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreForRetrieval = “2048000”



This item was truncated because the parsed output was greater than the maximum number of allowed characters.

This message relates to the parsed content size of the document.  This has a boundary limit of 2 million characters that can’t be increased.  Search stops parsing a document once the limit of 2 million characters has been reached and any content past this point isn’t included in the index.

Once you’ve configured the indexed managed property and retrievable managed property sizes you need to run a full crawl.

Search By Document ID In SharePoint 2013

The SharePoint Document ID Service is a Site Collection Feature which assigns unique IDs to documents within a Site Collection.  The unique document ID can be used to locate documents within a Site Collection irrespective of their location.  This is useful when documents may be moved around within a Site Collection due to work flows, or other processes.

To search by document ID, open the Service Service Application through Central Administration, then open the search schema, which is under Queries and Results.  Search for DocID in the managed properties box.



The search results should return a managed property with the name DocID and the Query property should be enabled.  The property should be mapped to the crawled property ows_dlc_DocId.

The Query property enables the ability to search specifically by the property.  Open your search center and in the search box enter DocID:%DOCID% where you replace %DOCID% with the document ID for which you wish to search.

Here I have a document with the ID RSTST-7-144


I have found the document using the search term DocId:RSTST-7-144
